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Environmental Stewardship

Overview w/ Video

Environmental Stewardship

EMWD is dedicated to the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through groundwater management, water use efficiency and various other sustainable practices.


Energy Efficiency Programs

Solar panels in desert setting.

A significant electrical load, coupled with capacity issues with the regional electrical power grid, and the cost of electrical power led EMWD to pursue alternative sources of electrical power supply. These alternative sources included solar, digester gas, fuel cell technology and microturbines.


Wetlands Facility

EMWD Wetlands Picture

In partnership with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation during the early 1990s, EMWD built a nearly 60-acre constructed wetlands facility that offers a lush habitat for migratory fowl, shore birds and raptors along the Pacific Flyway.


Groundwater Resource Management

Groundwater holding ponds.

Through collaborative and multi-faceted approaches, EMWD is able to successfully manage and augment its groundwater supplies in an economically and environmentally responsible manner to ensure long-term reliability for its customers.


Climate Action Leader

EMWD is a member of the California Climate Change Action Registry, a non-profit public/private partnership that serves as a voluntary greenhouse gas (CHG) registry to protect, encourage and promote early actions to reduce CHG emissions.


Staying WaterWise

Summer yard in bloom.

EMWD is a charter signatory agency of the California Urban Water Conservation Council, which coordinates Best Management Water Conservation Practices. Ongoing residential water conservation programs, such as free home water surveys, and water efficiency devices help rate payers save water and money.



Using the most appropriate technology, many facilities are managed remotely through a 24-hour per day Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). In addition, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provides precise  mapping of EMWD’s water systems. Decerto Water Optimization Software saves energy by using reservoir levels, water demands, system pressures, and supply constraints to determine optimal schedules for running pumps.